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Dallas Buyers Club and Stigmatization

“This is for the 36 million brave souls who lost their lives to AIDS. And to anyone who ever felt injustice because of who they are or who they love. Tonight, I stand before the world, with you and for you.” – Jared Leto’s Acceptance Speech for Best Supporting Actor at the Oscars 2014. Dallas …

Facebook’s Got Love On Its’ Mind

It’s remarkable what data from social media can tell us. Case in point, Facebook published a plug post on Valentine’s Day this year, detailing about how they have collected statistical evidence that hints at a budding relationship before the relationship has even started. Facebook explored interactions between couples before and after the relationship has begun …

Modern Day Slaves

TIME recently covered a story on an Indonesian domestic worker Erwiana Sulistyaningsih who left for Hong Kong with the hopes of making a good living and helping her family to make ends meet. Her efforts were cut short as months later, the 23-year old returned home with bruises replacing her delicate face and open sores …

Sternberg on Love

I asked my six year old niece, “What do you love most besides your parents?” Her answer was everything in PINK! I got the same response from my four year old neighbor Gracie and according to my mom; I loved dressing in pink as a tubby four year old so much that I ended up …

Superstitions & Rituals

It’s that time of the year once again where jovial Chinese tunes are played on the radio and in the malls, mandarin oranges are sold in almost all departmental stores, and the colour red sweeps across the nation. These are just a few signs that Chinese New Year is once again upon us. Chinese New …

Of Memory, Dance and How Visualization Helps

Dance, although it appears easy and seamless as a dancer glides or bounces across the stage so effortlessly, it is physically and cognitively demanding. Regardless of the type of dance, may it be ballroom or breakdance, jazz or ballet…all these movements require different levels of such demands. What goes into creating movements in a routine …

Lost in Translation

Early research has found that our cultural upbringing can have an impact on how we categorise information.  A study by Chui (1972) asked western and Chinese children what goes with an image of a cow, which is a better fit, chicken or grass?  The results showed that Chinese children were more likely to pair the …

Recapping the Year 2013

It’s hard to believe that another year is almost over. It has been quite a year here at the School of Psychology, UNMC! Here’s a quick recap of the year: 1.       Grant Success The School received two grants from the Fundamental Research Grants Scheme (FRGS). Dr Kirsten McKenzie has received RM63,000 to examine the ‘Sensory …

Psychology Postgraduate Students Awarded with Universitas 21 Prize Scholarship

We are delighted to announce that two postgraduates from the School of Psychology in UNMC have won the Universitas 21 (U21) Prize Scholarship to spend a month at a U21 partner institution. The purpose of this scholarship is to fund activities that will help enhance students’ research and career developmental opportunities. Universitas 21 is the …

Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) – Is Someone Watching You?

Here with the final installment of the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition series is Yvonne Teoh with her talk titled “Is Someone Watching You?” As a psychology student, one of the most asked questions I get is can you read my mind. My answer is always no I can’t. As social beings, we have always …