July 23, 2020, by kebzfsh
Congratulations to all s-CPD award winners 2020!
While the seed for continuous learning, and improving oneself exist in most students, the Faculty of Science and Engineering in the University of Nottingham Malaysia ensures the presence of an appropriate platform that nurtures lifelong learning.
The scheme named ‘Students’ Continuing Personal Development’ (s-CPD) is launched to improve student participation in extra-curricular activities and at the same time, to create awareness among students of the importance of lifelong learning and to facilitate the development of such skills. The scheme addresses many attributes that graduates require including taking responsibility for their learning, time management, communication and leadership.
s-CPD Awards 2020:
- Lifelong Learning s-CPD Award
- IEEE WIE s-CPD Award
- Certificate of Distinction
- Certificate of Achievement
Click here to watch the video including the congratulatory notes from Prof. Andy Chan, the Dean of FOSE, Dr. Belle Ooi, the Founder and Chair of s-CPD Committee, Miss Alicia Ch’ng, the Head of Careers Advisory Service of UNM, and Ir. Dr. Rosmiwati Mohd Mokhtar, the Chair of IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group Malaysia.
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