December 2, 2020, by Communications

Growing from strength to strength

A lot has happened since 18 March, when we faced our first lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For me, this was the time when the global pandemic that we were experiencing became all too real. Overnight, our lives changed. We could no longer work on campus, those living in our accommodation (both students and staff) had to remain there and students, even just across the road, were not allowed to enter the campus.

Ten months on, we are still faced with Movement Control Orders, with Higher Education institutions being closed. UNM cannot totally close, as we have staff and students living on campus. We require more colleagues to work on campus, compared to institutions that can fully close, as we have to provide services and support to those who call the campus home. These support and services include security personnel, food & beverage operators, and cleaning colleagues. On-campus support is also provided through our hall tutors/wardens, well-being, and health & safety colleagues.

Of course, it is not only those that live/work on campus who have risen to the challenges that Covid-19 has presented us with. Our academic staff have been instrumental in not only continuing to teach but have also been an important element in supporting students as they have faced many challenges. Our Professional Services colleagues, often the unseen face that keeps the campus running, have been tireless in their help and support. If it were not for Professional Services, we would not have received our salary, our suppliers would not have been paid, the labs would not have remained ready for use and the creche would not be ready to receive children when the time was right. Indeed, every person, whether staff, student or contractor has played their part over the last ten months and that help and support has been critical in helping us get to the end of 2020 and will remain important as we go into 2021, with all the uncertainties that exist.

We owe a great deal of thanks to all those who have supported us over the past ten months. THANK YOU.

“I was reminded that this is our 100th Campus Communications. This started off as the “Daily Digest” when we entered our first lockdown. We felt that it was important to have a regular way to communicate to all staff and students and, initially, this was done every day.

Later, we transitioned into “Campus Communications”, adjusting the frequency as need dictated. I have no doubts that it will continue to evolve as we consider the need to communicate effectively to the campus community and all of its stakeholders.”

Over the last ten months, the Daily Digest and Campus Communications has been at the forefront of the way we have communicated. Our statistics show that the Campus Communications is regularly read by over 3,000 people.

On behalf of the Management Board, I would like to extend our thanks to everybody who has contributed to the Daily Digest/Campus Communications over the past 10 months, with a special thanks to Josephine, who has been the person who was there since the first issue and has now managed 100 issues and has been instrumental in getting people to engage, write and contribute to the newsletter.

University of Nottingham Vice-Chancellor, Professor Shearer West

According to University of Nottingham Vice-Chancellor, Professor Shearer West: “As the University’ Vice-Chancellor, I send my warmest wishes to colleagues and students in Malaysia and congratulations on the centenary edition of your newsletter. You have made Herculean efforts to teach, research and study successfully in ever-changing circumstances, often while dealing with your own personal pressures caused by the pandemic. While recent news of vaccines gives us all cause for much-needed optimism, for the moment we must continue to learn how to live with it. The commitment, determination and agility that you have all shown during this pandemic has been nothing short of astonishing.

Posted in Campus news