October 8, 2019, by Communications

The Global Experience of the University of Nottingham

In this post, School of Economics student Samantha Jade Chew shares her experience of being an exchange student at both the Nottingham Ningbo and UK campus.

1. You have completed the Nottingham global experience by studying at both the China campus in Autumn and the UK campus in Spring. Tell us about your experience if you could summarize for us.

Going on exchange is fun and valuable as I get to experience different lifestyles of students in China and the UK. Life as a student in Ningbo was exciting – there are many things to do in Ningbo and on campus. The Ningbo campus is lively, with many cafes and shops on campus and student events happening. Exchange students at UNNC participate in various cultural events and trips organised by the university, so we get to travel and experience the Chinese culture besides studying.

In the UK campus, student life is more laid back. We get ample independent time as all lectures are an hour long. Most students spend their time in the libraries after lectures.

2. What are the novelties of each campus, if you can elaborate? What is different and what is common amongst them?

One thing about the China campus is the work ethic of the students. They are eager to learn where there is a long line of students waiting to ask questions at the end of the lectures. It is inspiring to see how focused and hardworking the students are in their studies. In the UK campus, I consider the amount of freedom a novelty. There is a lot of independent studying in the UK.

3. What are the biggest things you have learned in this journey?

I learn to be more independent when living abroad. Experiencing life in two countries within a year that has taught me how to adapt to changes. It has broadened my perspectives on life in general. Being on exchange can be challenging but the different experience helps me understand my capabilities. I am more prepared for my final year in Malaysia.

4. Would you advise students to undertake these exchanges as you have done? What would be your advice to them?

I definitely encourage students to go on these exchanges! My advice for them is to work a little harder when they are on exchange. When we are abroad, there are many things that we want to experience therefore we might get a little off track.

I have heard discouragement from some that going on exchange pulls down one’s average, but I hope students interested in going for exchange keep in mind that the good overwhelms the bad. The experience of going on exchange helps when you are back to the Malaysia campus.

6. Have you missed the Malaysia campus? What are your plans in your final year?

I definitely miss the familiarity back in the Malaysia campus and our small class size. In my final year, I hope to write a really good dissertation and enjoy my last year at university with my friends!

Promoting Malaysia

By Samantha Jade Chew

Posted in Campus news