April 22, 2024, by Mei Kee Lee

Experience Sharing: Summer Internship at Roche

By Chuah Zhi Xin, who is currently a Year 3 Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) student based in the UK.


Where did you do your summer internship? How long was it?

During the summer, I completed my 3 months internship journey at Roche.


What did it involve?

My role as an intern at Roche has opened new doors towards medical excellence and innovation in healthcare. I was involved in various teams such as quality assurance, medical affairs and health innovation.


What did you find interesting throughout this experience?

My experience here at Roche was very fruitful as I got exposed to how healthcare leaders play a role and create a strong impact in the healthcare industry particularly in corporate settings which require different skill sets ranging from medical knowledge, leadership skills and other interpersonal skills. I was able to witness how collaborations come into place between healthcare companies and other healthcare institutions which was indeed an eye-opening experience to me.


How did the summer internship support your learning and future career development?

This summer internship is a journey that I never regret embarking on as I can discover the various potentials a future pharmacist can unleash in the pharmaceutical industry. On top of that, this internship journey has given me invaluable experiences including being a host for a physical session in the company office which had pushed me out of my comfort zone. Besides, I am glad that I was allowed to brush up on my existing skills such as project management, partner engagement, organisation, communication and creativity, putting them into practice in the real world out there.


What is one take home message you obtain from this experience?

Try everything. If you are curious about how pharmacists make an impact in the big picture, go find out and grab that opportunity to dive deep into it. Sometimes it doesn’t matter what you want to be, it’s who you want to be in a long run.


What is your advice to current or prospective students on signing up for summer internships?

Have faith in yourself and show your enthusiasm when it comes to learning new things. Start your preparation early such as drafting your CV or doing some research in that particular field. I hope you all have a smooth journey in securing an internship in the upcoming summer and make full use of it! Do not forget to enjoy along the way too!

Posted in Experience SharingInternshipMPharm