UNMC Graduate School Christmas Party 2013

UNMC Graduate School held its annual Christmas Party on Friday 20 December 2013. More than 50 people (staffs and students) attended the party. The afternoon was filled with joy, laughter and delicious Christmas delicacies such as chicken pies, strudels, marzipans, chocolate logs, muffins, gingerbread cookies, candy canes, chocolate coins and the list goes on… Christmas …

Universitas 21 Scholarship Winners Revealed!

  We are delighted to announce that two postgraduates from the School of Psychology in UNMC have won the Universitas 21 (U21) Prize Scholarship, to spend a month at a U21 partner institution.  Wei Lin Poh will be heading to the University of Birmingham in the UK to work with Dr Andrew Olson, who studies …

RTAD: November’s Highlights

GlobalTNA A briefing session was held by GlobalTNA to introduce their ‘Information Mapping’ method which supports writers in their goal to analyse, organise, and present information based on the audience’s needs and the purpose of the information. The briefing was delivered by Ms Molly Tan, the Business Development Manager of Global TNA Sdn. Bhd. Coffee …

Meet the RTAD Team

Meet the new RTAD team. While several of the members may be familiar to you, there are a few new people to get to know in their new roles. As a team we look after the Graduate School, PGCHE, Academic Development and the CFFRC Doctoral Training Centre. Deepa, Amirah, Lisa, Tissa, Sue and myself look …

RTAD: October’s Highlights

The Research Training & Academic Development (RTAD) organised its annual Postgraduate Welcome Week, from 1st until 4th October 2013. The programme was designed to cater to the needs of new postgraduate students including finding their way around the University, meeting new people and settling into their new life on the campus. These are the sneak …

Postgraduate Student Teachers Programme Semester One 2013-2014

I have just been looking at attendance and the waiting lists for workshops in the Postgraduate Students Teachers (PST) Programme for Semester One 2013-2014.  The PST Programme is made up of four workshops: Demonstrating in laboratory practicals Assessing and giving feedback Small group teaching Lecturing for learning All courses were well attended and received. Several …

RDP for the month of October 2013 – Boot Camp and Writing Courses

Graduate School Research Development Programme 2013/2014 started with the running of its five day boot camp last week (October 7th– October 11th, 2013). The programme that was conducted during the boot camp was: Nature of the PhD and the Supervision Process Planning Research and Time Management Working effectively in research Creative Thinking Getting into the …

Academic Writing and Getting Published Workshop

Last Wednesday, October 23th, 2013, research students and I attended the Academic Writing and Getting Published course, conducted by a very special guest, UNMC Vice-Provost of Knowledge Transfer, Professor Graham Kendall. Unlike in previous courses, Professor Kendall conducted this course as a workshop which got all research students involved in multiple small tasks during the …

UNMC Three Minute Thesis Winners REVEALED!

October 3rd 2013, UNMC crowned its first ever Three Minute Thesis Winners. On behalf of RTAD, we congratulate Lim Phui Cheng (School of Psychology) on winning the inaugural Three Minute Thesis competition and Maysoun Mustafa (School of Biosciences) on scooping the Three Minute Thesis Peer Award. A total of 18 participants from across different schools and faculties took …

Ever wondered what getting a doctorate really means?

Many of us who are either doing or have just recently completed a doctorate, like myself, often wondered what is exactly a doctorate? I think Matt Might, professor of Computer Science at the University of Utah, explains it perfectly in a graphic presentation. Click on the link to find out more.