October 9, 2019, by Fatheen Nabila Ghazali

LSGPDF 2018 Recipient: Sangeetha’s Trip To Student Union, UNUK

The Lady Susan fund has been an amazing life and work changing experience for anyone who secures the fund. The highlights of my visit have been exemplary and I have learnt so much from my 10 days’ trip to the Students’s Union at the University of Nottingham UK. I have gained much exposure and experienced the environment there and there is so much to learn from the Students’ Union Team. I was based in the reception for the 10 days and experienced for myself the actual on-goings on a daily basis although it was during summer. Colleagues there were truly supportive and helpful.

There has been a lot of knowledge exchange and transfer and a big part that has been brought back in a plan to start a Volunteering Unit to oversee all volunteerism activities by our students. Training was also a big part of the learning curve whilst there and I picked up a lot from the teams I met with.

With Jenine petley, my strong supporter while in Student Union

Elections and planning of diversifying the current activities we have conducted was the key to my visit as my purpose was to learn as much as possible from my UK counterparts, who were truly a supportive bunch of hardworking and passionate people.

I visited many areas on campus and met with Student Executives, who briefed me on the various roles they play, which are quite similar to what we do. I look forward to sharing with my team what I have learnt from the trip and maybe invite the Students’ Union team over for our 20th Anniversary celebrations.

Outside the Student Union (SU) Building

There are also plans on developing a new strategy for the Students’ Association here which is currently a work in progress. I hope all colleagues will make full use of this great opportunity to maximise their potential by applying for the next round of funds.

Lastly, I would like to thank the University and all its members who have helped me make my trip a truly memorable and lasting experience for me.




Article by:

Sangeetha Veerasingam
Senior Officer
Student Association Staff Office



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