February 28, 2020, by Mei Kee Lee

Alumni Testimonial: Gwee Zhong Li (2019)

Pre-reg training

Daveys Chemist, a retail pharmacy in Liverpool, UK. I will be working with my tutor through 52 weeks of training and I am excited about it!

Favourite moment (s) doing 2+2 MPharm

During MPharm 2 in UNM, my classmate Eugene and I were the class representatives for our cohort. We successfully organised a mock OSCE session for our classmates (to prepare for the coming exams). We recruited approximately 40 participants and the mock OSCE session was a success. I really enjoyed the time working together with my coursemates in university.
In MPharm 4, we had to work together as a team to organise our own simulated pharmacy in B34PLM module. We competed with 9 other pharmacies occupying different area of Pilchester (simulated location). We managed our business plan, SOPs, service proposal, advertisement and presentation to ensure the smooth operation of our pharmacy. Every day throughout the module, simulated patients (not lecturers) would come into our pharmacy and we had to serve them. It was very interesting as we could apply what we learnt into practice. Furthermore, we could see improvement in terms of communication skills and knowledge day by day. Our team worked very well together and I am proud of my team!

Tips for Year 1 students

Work hard and play hard! 4 years in university is short but long enough to do a lot of things. Do not be afraid to get out from your comfort zone. Go pick a new hobby, sports, join clubs and societies to meet more people! Wish you guys all the best and remember to say ‘Hi’ to me when we meet in the future! 😀

Posted in AlumniMPharm