September 2, 2014, by Deepa Kumari Veerasingam
Commonwealth Summer School 2014 – Official Opening, Lectures, Field Trips & More…
The 4th Commonwealth Summer School was held in the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) on 17 – 24 August 2014. It brought together a total of 34 delegates from 18 commonwealth countries. Many exciting and stimulating activities were arranged for the delegates to experience Malaysia in addition to a series of lectures, workshops, group work and field-based learning, which enable them to journey through various aspects of food production, looking closely at distribution, environmental management, migration, biotechnology, farm management, supply chains, nutrition and health policy in the process. Delegates have had the opportunity to observe the reality of food management, experience first-hand the food and supply chain, and immerse themselves in the challenges of food production.
Monday, 18 August 2014
The welcome note was addressed by Professor Christine Ennew, Provost and CEO, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus.
The opening remarks and overview of the theme this year “Global Food Security”, was delivered by Dr Christopher Hill, Director of Research Training and Academic Development, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus.
A workshop entitled “Critical Thinking and Team-Building”, was delivered by Dr Tissa Chandesa and Dr Jiin Woei Lee, Research Training Development Managers, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus.
Field visit to Crops for the Future Research Centre (CFFRC) was led by Professor Chin Ong, Honorary Professor, School of Biosciences, University of Nottingham, UK. He is also the Research Theme Leader at CFFRC.
A briefing session “Genomics Work with Bambara Groundnut” was presented by Dr Sean Mayes, Research Theme Leader of Biotechnology and Crop Genetics, Programme Director of BamYIELD, and Co-Director of CFFRC.
A keynote address entitled “The Importance of Trace Elements in Global Food Security”, was delivered by Dr Paul Williams, Lecturer in Soil and Environmental Biogeochemistry, Institute of Global Food Security, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK.
Here are some of the pictures taken during dinner @ Fish Valley Restaurant, Semenyih.
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
A keynote address entitled “Climate Change and Global Security”, was delivered by Professor Richard Warrick, Professor, International Institute of Agri-Food Security, Curtin University, Australia, and Founding Director of CLIMsystems Ltd, New Zealand.
A workshop entitled “Presentation Skills and Poster Design”, was delivered by Dr Tissa Chandesa and Dr Jiin Woei Lee, Research Training Development Managers, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus.
Overnight trip to Kuala Selangor Nature Park was both exciting and stimulating!
A keynote address titled “The Economics of Food Security”, was delivered by Dr Cecilia Rocha, Director, School of Nutrition, Ryerson University, Canada.
Here are some of the pictures taken during World Trade game and dinner.
Next up was the Night Wildlife Walk.
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Peat Swamp Trekking, supervised by Dr Stephanie Evers, Course Director, Environmental Sciences and Module Convener, School of Biosciences, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus.
Village tour @ Agrotourism Homestay Centre, Sungai Sireh
Thursday, 21 August 2014
A keynote address entitled “Gender Adaptation and Climate Change”, was delivered by Dr Tasokwa Kakota, Senior Lecturer, Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Reseources, Malawi.
Delegates were then given time to work on their group posters.
A session entitled “The World Beyond 2015 – Is Higher Education Ready?”, was presented by Ms Joyce Achampong, Director of External Engagement, the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU).
Friday, 22 August 2014
Trip to Mini Malaysia and ASEAN Cultural Park, Malacca.
Scavenger hunt @ Jonker Street, Malacca.
More on the 4th Commonwealth Summer School will be posted soon… Stay tuned for more!
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