October 14, 2014, by Deepa Kumari Veerasingam

Images of Research Photography Competition

The Challenge

Can you creatively communicate your research to others with just one photographic image and an abstract?

If you are a postgraduate student or early career researcher we invite you to capture the essence of your research with a single photographic image that you have taken yourself. The image can be anything in some way represents, connects with or comments on your research. This competition challenges you to capture people’s imagination and enthuse them about your work.


The Big Picture

We are seeking original image that encapsulate the theme “The Big Picture”. We challenge you to pull back from the intimate and intricate details of your research and share the wonder, beauty and curiosity of what you do, why you do it, how it matters to others and impacts the world.



The Photographic Image

  • It can be anything that captures the viewer’s attention but must relate to your research.
  • It must not be altered or enhanced in any way and the faithful representation of what was captured at the time of the shot being taken must be maintained. Sharpening and minimal cropping is allowed but digital adjustments of any kind are strictly prohibited.
  • Please submit as a JPEG.

The Abstract

  • Your abstract must be short and snappy – no more than 150 words.
  • It must explain why the image was chosen and how it demonstrates the relationship between your own research and “The Big Picture” theme of this year’s photographic competition.
  • It must be written in Plain English and jargon-free to ensure that the general audience can clearly understand it.



All entries should be emailed to lisa.chin@nottingham.edu.my no later than 5pm on 7 November 2014.





Posted in News and EventsResearcher Development