June 15, 2020, by Lisa Chin
C0VID-19: Graduate School updates (15 June 2020)
Ref. UNM/GS/C0VID-19/25/15/06/20
This is part 25 of a series of updates which provides latest news and information from the Graduate School in light of the movement control order nationwide and campus closure. Don’t forget you can get in touch with us via Facebook and Graduate School Blog or by email at graduateschool@nottingham.edu.my.
The University is regularly updating advice and general FAQs on C0VID-19 on its web page. See more
The Vice Provost (Research and Knowledge Exchange) is also contributing to a more detailed page with guidance for postgraduate research students and research staff. See more
Virtual town hall meetings for researchers
FAQs are now available
A series of virtual town hall meetings for researchers hosted by Professor Deborah Hall, Vice Provost (Research & Knowledge Exchange) on 2 & 3 June 2020, was full of insightful and useful questions to help us devise how we approach our return to campus, while considering new ways of delivering research in a post-C0VID-19 world.
The responses to issues and questions raised at the town hall meetings are now available in the Public Folder on SharePoint. See more
Researcher training courses
Weekly update of upcoming courses
Shut Up and Write
Session 06/04: Monday 15 June 2020, 2pm – 4.30pm
This session will assist in structuring periods of writing and limiting the distraction at home while providing the necessary guidance and motivation to write efficiently and effectively.
Use this code to join the session in MS Teams: bkjn59
Preparing for Your Annual Review
Tuesday 16 June 2020, 10am – 12noon
This course will discuss the elements of the annual review process and consider the possible structures of an annual review report.
Sign up
Preparing for the Viva
Thursday 18 June 2020, 10am – 12noon
This course will delve into the main purposes of viva, its process and criteria as well as some key skills to consider in the lead up to, and during the viva itself.
Sign up
3MT® competition
Dedicated support for participants
We offer feedback sessions to support participants taking part in the competition. These sessions are exclusively designed to provide insightful advice and guidance on how to better structure as well as communicate research work to a general and wider audience.
The first of the series of feedback sessions took place last Friday 12 June 2020. Subsequent sessions are scheduled as follows:
Session #2: Monday 15 June 2020, 10am – 12noon
Session #3: Wednesday 17 June 2020, 2pm – 4pm
Session #4: Friday 19 June 2020, 10am – 12noon
Session #5: Monday 22 June 2020, 10am – 12noon
Session #6: Tuesday 23 June 2020, 10am – 12noon
These sessions will take place via MS Teams. Use this token to join the sessions: wnvw4vf
An article for PhD students
Everything I wish I knew when I was doing my PhD
“There’s one thing that is often missing from guides and books written on how to do a PhD: the human dimension. Often they fail to fully appreciate the person behind the PhD, the person who struggles and worries and wonders what it is all about. This article is for you. In it, I draw on my experience as a PhD coach, thesis proofreader and academic to outline 80 things I wish I knew when I was doing my PhD.” – Dr Max Lemprière
Next updates from us
Our next C0VID-19: Graduate School updates will be posted on Monday 22 June 2020
In the meantime, please continue to observe and follow the safety advice and precautionary measures by our local authorities and University.
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