July 24, 2013, by khyx2lyn

UNMC Moments

Day 1, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC). Walking into this institute, one of the first things you’ll notice is the magnificent structure of the institute followed by postcard perfect scenery of the mountains as a backdrop. Capturing my attention already I walked into my first class with an aura of excitement, curiosity and itsy-bitsy nervousness. The course is called psychology, a new environment and new people; one is bound feel “conscious” more so than normal. At least that was what I felt. Not to say feeling that way is wrong, it’s an experience that comes to one in different ways.


The first day went well and soon the first week was over. By this time, classroom environment began to settle in. Beyond the classroom, activities at “Notts” or “UNMC” as we often call it are numerous through the clubs and societies that have been formed over the years. From being one with nature, to learning the skills to be a leader, to lending a helping hand in charity, entertainment or simply being in groups of people with a common interest, opportunities to explore oneself doesn’t fall short. I had the pleasure and opportunity to be the vice president of Psychsoc; a society dedicated to extend psychology to the masses beyond those studying psychology alone. During my term, I had the chance to explore my abilities in organizing events, working with team mates and expanding my communication skills.


Coming to academic experience as a psychology student, I must say that the past 2 years have been filled with insightful knowledge into the human brain and behaviour.  I have learnt about why we do the things we do and how we do it. For example, understanding how human speech develops from infancy up till adulthood or how our memory is responsible for forgetting and remembering. One area that has caught my attention is developmental psychology. Developmental psychology looks at how children mature in terms of their mental capacity till being and behaving like an adult. It also looks at how we understand what others are intending. It is akin for instance, having a suspicion of how another person is feeling. Psychology has also given me knowledge of how mental disorders such as schizophrenia, autism and depression that affect millions of people occur, and the current treatments available in dealing with these disorders.


I would also love to mention the constant support and encouragement the teaching staff has provided me. It certainly has acted as a guide which I appreciate. I will be moving into my final year soon, and I am still as excited as the first day I stepped foot into UNMC. Everyday here is a new experience awaiting your involvement. For those who are thinking of a career in psychology, I would say that it is a field with lots of potential with you being the one with the advantage.


Image Credits: Ruben

Image Credits: Ruben

Rubendev Singh Dhillon
(Year 2 Student in BSc (Hons.) Psychology, UNMC).

Posted in blogdata collectiondegreeLecturermemorypsychobabblepsychologypsychology societypsychsocresearchsocial psychologystudent lifeunmc