August 16, 2017, by Communications

Academic Represents Scientific Community in National Vision

Head of Business Engagement & Innovation Services (BEIS) Professor Denny Ng, who is also an active researcher at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC), is among 22 representatives from the community of scientific researchers in the Roundtable Dialogue with YAB Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on ‘Transformasi Nasional 2050’ (TN50).  TN50 is an initiative to plan for the future of Malaysia in the period 2020 to 2050 in the area of economic development, citizen well-being and innovation.

Professor Ng was selected from a pool of young scientists nationwide to present their views to the TN50 committee chaired by the Prime Minister of Malaysia. As a member of Akademi Sains Malaysia (ASM), he was nominated alongside some 20 other members to be part of this committee.

“It is an honour to present our ideas to the Prime Minister for our future generations.  As discussed during the dialogue, we would like to develop a Progressive Malaysia by 2050 and become a sustainable nation,” said Professor Denny Ng.

As a representative of TN50, he meets with the fellows from Academic Science Malaysia (ASM) to discuss future plans for Malaysia in 2050.  Representatives T50 also identified several moonshot projects which Malaysia should champion in the future.

PUTRAJAYA, 18 Julai — Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak beramah mesra dengan para saintis selepas mengadakan sesi meja bulat Transformasi Nasional 2050 (TN50) bersama saintis di Bangunan Perdana Putra hari ini.
– Photo Courtesy of BERNAMA (2017)

Professor Denny Ng has received many awards over the years. He was the receipt of Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) Young Engineer Award 2015, Three Outstanding Young Persons of Negeri Sembilan (3OYP.NS) Awards 2014 and IChemE Young Chemical Engineer of the Year 2012. He was the Chair of Science Policy in Young Scientist Network in 2016 and is currently the Chair of YSN-ASM Mentor Mentee Programme in 2017. His areas of specialisation include process design and optimisation, the design of integrated Biorefinery, energy management, resource conservation via process integration techniques, as well as energy planning for greenhouse gas emission reduction.

He has a PhD in chemical engineering from the University of Nottingham and has been a lecturer at the University since 2009. He left the role this year to assume the position as Head of BEIS, the commercialisation unit of UNMC.

He can be reached at

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