January 19, 2016, by

Charity bazaar held to help underprivileged children

A small act of kindness can bring a big change in society. Keeping this thought alive, the staff of The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) organised a charity bazaar right before the Christmas breaks to collect donations for the needy. This charity bazaar was organised by the Faculty of Science staff Carol D’Cruz, who took the initiative to invite other staff members of charity bazaardifferent departments to help her. The charity bazaar was held on December 10, 2015 and emails were sent to all staffs, students and associates informing them of the same. Staffs those who were participating in the charity bazaar brought a variety of things to sell. From handmade natural soaps to edible products, the bazaar had it all.

Carol got the support of a few administrative staffs from the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Science and Corporate Marketing department. There was a total collection of RM 3, 223 from the charity bazaar and it was decided that all the proceedings would go into purchasing stationery items for the underprivileged kids. On 13 January 2016 Provost Christine Ennew along with Dean of the 12510518_10207825704615625_765097361914598690_nFaculty of Science, Claire O’Malley, presented stationery to the representatives of PDK Semenyih and Orang Asli foundation in Broga. PDK Semenyih is a school for children with special needs. They are located in Semenyih town with 81 children studying in their school currently. These kids are suffering from autism, Down syndrome and slow learning. Orang Asli children from Kampung Orang Asli Broga, that is located 3km from UNMC is an organisation that works for the welfare of underprivileged kids.

79c37403-fb7a-4f94-96fc-1b929569e3b9+6+6Addressing the crowd Professor Christine Ennew expressed that, she felt obliged being a part of an institution that cares for the society and for the underprivileged. She thought that this was a small step towards a brighter future of these kids. On this occasion Dean of the Faculty of Science, Claire O’Malley said that education is a right of all and she hopes that one day these kids would attain their education at UNMC.

The event ended with light refreshments being served to the attendees. Carol D’Cruz, who was the brain behind the idea of this charity bazaar, later revealed that she organises a lot of charity events outside of work. She said ‘organising charity events is very fulfilling for me and it comes naturally as I also work for an NGO in my spare time’.


More information available from Carol D’Cruz

Posted in Campus newsCorporate Social Responsibility