UNMC introduces it’s new van
Last year, The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) introduced new buses for routes to Kajang KTM, TTS (Taman Tasik Semenyih), Tesco Semenyih and Mosque for Friday prayers. These Terus Maju Services Sdn Bhd buses were aimed to enhance the student travel experience. While these buses continue to provide students with a comforting journey, UNMC campus services have decided to launch their brand new van for the Kuala Lumpur Teaching Center (KLTC) route.
This new edition will be operational from Tuesday 1 March 2016. The 13 seater van is exclusively allotted to travel the distance from Campus to KLTC. The service is yet again provided by Terus Majus Services Sdn Bhd.
All passengers will need to display their student/staff ID card to the driver prior to boarding. Failure to do so, may result in drivers having the right to ask the passenger to leave the bus. However, flexibility to new students and their parents will be observed and they will be allowed to use bus services within a stipulated period during the new intake.
Do refer to the Shuttle Bus Schedule for route details.
Please do not hesitate to email your enquiries to Campus Services or Transport if you have any queries.
You can also read about our new buses those were launched last year.
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