August 22, 2017, by Communications

International High School Summer Programme

Every year the International Office (IO) organises an International High School Summer Programme (IHSSP) where high school students from all over the world have the opportunity to experience the different subject areas that the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) has to offer, such as business, engineering, and the sciences. Classes are taught by experienced academics and include workshops on engineering, where the basics on the different classifications of engineering and what engineers do are explored; business, where the basics of economics and option pricing theories are taught through role-play and simulation games, and the sciences, where computer science and biosciences subjects are discussed.


Students in the midst of an engineering workshop

This year, the programme was held on 7 to 12 August. While UNMC welcomed students from all over the world, this year, the University had the pleasure of hosting students from China, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Japan, Sri Lanka and Malaysia who came to UNMC for a one-week experience of campus life. The workshops offered by UNMC also served as a useful ‘taster’ for high school students who may not have a clear idea of what they might want to pursue after high school.

Ms Prem Minder, the Head of International Student Support and one of the key organisers of the event said: “It has been an extremely great week, having participants from all over the world gathering in one place at one time, truly a memorable moment for me.”

The participants were very pleased with the whole experience as expressed by Nabeel Tariq, a high school student from Pakistan: “This programme allowed me to experience my first international travel among many other new experiences.” The student was also happy with his gained insight into university life in Malaysia, as there were no programs like the IHSSP in Pakistan.

Two students from India also shared their satisfaction with the programme. Vibhooshana Lakshmanan and Saachi Samani, both 16-year-olds from India, stated that the workshops not only aided them in their aspirations but also changed their minds on certain subject areas. “With the balance of learning and playing games during the workshops, I felt that it not only provided a platform for socialising but also an entertaining way of learning about new subject areas,” enthused Vibhooshana.

The same sentiments were echoed by 17-year-old Jia Zheng from China and 16-year-old Sanidul Chamadi from Sri Lanka. Both felt that the programme was a valuable experience with the acquired knowledge and friendships created broaden their views this summer.

Student excursion

The organisers of the programme also stated that changes and improvements will be made not only for next year but for many years to come to further elevate the experiences of future high school students who will participate in the programme.

For more information on the program, check out previous years of 2015 and 2016 participants journey documented on video, or contact Ms Prem Minder.


Posted in Campus news