November 28, 2017, by Communications

Let’s Talk!

Let’s Talk! is back and will be hosted by our very own Students’ Association president Tormalli!

The short programme that will be posted on video platform YouTube is an informal platform for our campus Students’ Association (SA) executives to communicate on the latest happenings in the SA.

As of this week, we will have our campus SA president Tormalli, also known as Torm, updating us on the latest happenings in the SA ranging from upcoming campus services to general student-related news. Torm, who was the SA Education officer for academic year 2016/17, was also involved in previous Let’s Talk videos as a guest where she was introduced to our students as the upcoming SA president for the academic year 2017/18, as such, this will not be her first Let’s Talk!

SA President Tormalli, host for Let’s Talk!

The Let’s Talk programme offers students on campus opportunities to better understand the roles of our SA executives through the updates and talks on what they are currently working on, which is one of the many directions where the SA are working towards for the objective of greater transparency on SA activities.

The execs also hope to share more fun videos in line with Let’s Talk! programmes, so do keep an eye out and please do support the Students’ Association by sharing and liking the video!

For more information, please contact Tormalli

Posted in Campus news