November 6, 2017, by Communications

Nation’s Cup 2017: Promoting Diversity, Fostering Unity

The University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNMC) Nation’s Cup is back again this year with exciting programmes in store for both participants and spectators. This year, the event started on 20 October, and spans three weeks, promising spectators a showcase of student-athletes representing their countries and pitching their athletic skills that will be tested against each other. The event, that started six years ago during the academic year of 2011/12, aims to facilitate and promote intercultural relations between students on campus. Every year the event sees an encouraging number of hopeful participants who strive to achieve their best.

Aside from the aim of promoting unity, the sports event also seeks to promote its most fundamental purpose, the advocacy of a healthier lifestyle through the showcase of sportsmanship and thus rewards its participants who epitomise such a display.

The event kicked off with a Chinese Cultural Society drum performance, followed by an opening speech given by the Student Association (SA) Sports Officer Omar El Shweekh. Other performances that night also included a Zumba performance by the Zumba team.

Drum Performance by Chinese Cultural Society

The exhilarating performances were then followed by the much-anticipated parade of nations, where representatives from different countries paraded their country’s flag proudly.

The end of the opening ceremony was marked by representatives from the top three performing countries of last year’s Nations Cup, which included representatives from Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and Egypt. Furthermore, the general goal of involving the student body in the event could be said to be more than a resounding success as students enthusiastically took part in various impromptu activities that ranged from spontaneous dancing to group photos/selfies happening throughout the event area. The closing ceremony is scheduled to be on 10 November, and participants will no doubt have various activities planned after the event officially ends.

Nation’s Cup 2017 is once again set to promote diversity and unity through the diverse contribution of athletic performance by representatives from various countries. Needless to say, high hopes and expectations are also being set for next year’s opening ceremony to deliver the same heart-thumping, adrenaline pumped spectacle that is the UNMC Nation’s Cup.

For more information, please contact Haggai Gan

Posted in Campus news