April 21, 2017, by Communications

UNMC at Daily Star Awards 2017 in Bangladesh

The Daily Star, a major daily in Bangladesh, hosted its 18th awards ceremony on 18 March 2017, at the Shaheed Suhrawardy National Indoor Stadium in Dhaka to honour outstanding O Level and A Level students. Nearly 2000 students qualified to receive the recognition this year, earning the minimum requirement of 6As in O Levels or 3As in A Levels. The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus was honoured by the invitation to this prestigious academic event.

Mr Mahfuz Anam delivering his opening speech

Mr Mahfuz Anam, the Editor and Publisher of the Daily Star, began his opening speech by congratulating the high achievers from their respective schools. He also emphasised on the core values in life and the importance of serving the nation. Mr Anam said, “No matter how bright and successful an individual is, you will not get respect if your nation is not being respected; we must shine with collective efforts.”

“This is not the end, you must continue to pursue greater things, but at the end of the day, you must come back to build the nation. You should not forget your dream, it is the ultimate force to make your dream realistic,” added Mr Anam in his speech. Mr Anam also remarked that mutual respect is the key for people with different beliefs to respect each other.

Following Mr Anam’s speech, a special guest from the Bangladesh Youth Leadership Centre, Mr Ejaj Ahmad, shared his values with the participants and urged the awardees to pursue what matters to them most and to not live in other people’s dreams.

Dr Joshua Yap delivering his speech

As one of the sponsors of the event, Dr Joshua Yap represented The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus to deliver an address at the event. Dr Yap commented on the values of having holistic aims and said, “You should aim high not only for yourself, but for your family, country and world! I believe everyone has a dream in mind, a dream in which you would a get a job that pays you well and makes you rich, but you have to aim higher for the country and for the future of the country!”

Representatives from other sponsoring organisations, such as BRAC Bank, Daffodil International University, Helio and Edexcel also addressed the participants and awardees. All the awardees were called to the stage to collect their certificates after the speeches and performances.


More information available from De Yan Yong


Posted in Campus news