Experiences Beyond the Classroom: Careers Events Calendar is Out!
September 29, 2023
It’s officially back to campus season and be ready to tackle the new semester! Time to wake up from the summer hiatus and hit the books again. But wait.. back to school doesn’t mean it’s all about cramming for exams. New semester, new possibilities, new experiences! ‌Bringing you the opportunities to experiences beyond the classroom, …
Career Mentoring: Guided and Completed
May 5, 2023
Congratulations to all Career Mentoring participants for Autumn 2022 who had successfully completed the programme! This time, Careers Advisory Service (CAS) had the honour to have the participation of mentors and alumni from various organisations such as BAE Counselling & Therapy Centre, Experian, ExxonMobil, Hilti, myFITBOX, Phison Electronics Corporation, and Shopee. They offered bespoke advice …
Flourish Your Future Career in Spring with Us!
February 8, 2023
Welcome to Spring semester, students! Inevitably, graduate recruitment market is always rapidly changing which brings profound impact to the labour market across the globe. Hence, it is crucial to have plan for your career and expand your horizon for the competitive future world of work. It’s never too early and make your move before time …
Spice Up Your Career Journey through Career Mentoring
July 25, 2021
Want to gain ideas to create an insightful career plan? Would you like to learn, grow and improve your employability skills? Would you like to find someone who can help you do these things? .. and do you know that you can? Yes, through a mentoring partnership! Careers Advisory Service (CAS) has initiated a Career …
Careers e-Award 2019/2020: Career Mentoring
July 22, 2020
Congratulations to all Career Mentoring participants for the completion of the program! Introduced in 2014 as an Alumni Mentoring program, the program was revamped in 2018 as the Employer Lead e-Mentoring module, a new initiative under the Nottingham Advantage Award which saw the participation of 4 companies. In 2019, the program has been continued with …
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