Academic Writing and Getting Published Workshop

Last Wednesday, October 23th, 2013, research students and I attended the Academic Writing and Getting Published course, conducted by a very special guest, UNMC Vice-Provost of Knowledge Transfer, Professor Graham Kendall. Unlike in previous courses, Professor Kendall conducted this course as a workshop which got all research students involved in multiple small tasks during the …

UNMC Three Minute Thesis Winners REVEALED!

October 3rd 2013, UNMC crowned its first ever Three Minute Thesis Winners. On behalf of RTAD, we congratulate Lim Phui Cheng (School of Psychology) on winning the inaugural Three Minute Thesis competition and Maysoun Mustafa (School of Biosciences) on scooping the Three Minute Thesis Peer Award. A total of 18 participants from across different schools and faculties took …

Ever wondered what getting a doctorate really means?

Many of us who are either doing or have just recently completed a doctorate, like myself, often wondered what is exactly a doctorate? I think Matt Might, professor of Computer Science at the University of Utah, explains it perfectly in a graphic presentation. Click on the link to find out more.

Conference Activity and Opportunities

Observatory Conference: The International Higher Education Revolution: Impacts on Mobility, qualifications, networks. London, 11-12 December 2013 Call for papers: in addition to invited speakers, we wish to provide a platform for cutting-edge practice and research around the conference themes. Proposals in the form of abstracts for presentations should be sent to by Wednesday 9 …

Getting on the Publication Ladder

Interesting article where students share their experiences with publication

Research Showcase 2013

  The Research Showcase gives University of Nottingham students and staff the chance to share their research with new audiences and tell the world about their work. Fifteen researchers were selected to present posters they designed to represent their work.  On 1oth May, they spent the day talking about their posters and explaining their research to …

UNMC inaugural Three Minute Thesis

The University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus (UNMC) will hold its inaugural 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition on Thursday, October 3rd, 2013 at the Great Hall. The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) is a research communication competition originally developed by The University of Queensland in Australia. The aim is to help research students develop their academic, presentation, and …