June 4, 2020, by Lisa Chin
C0VID-19: Graduate School updates (4 June 2020)
Ref. UNM/GS/C0VID-19/23/04/06/20
This is part 23 of a series of updates which provides latest news and information from the Graduate School in light of the conditional movement control order nationwide and campus closure. Don’t forget you can get in touch with us via Facebook and Graduate School Blog or by email at graduateschool@nottingham.edu.my.
The University is regularly updating advice and general FAQs on C0VID-19 on its web page. See more
The Vice Provost (Research and Knowledge Exchange) is also contributing to a more detailed page with guidance for postgraduate research students and research staff. See more
Virtual town halls for researchers
Thank you for your participation
A series of virtual town halls hosted by Professor Deborah Hall, Vice Provost (Research & Knowledge Exchange) took place earlier this week and were attended by almost 150 of our postgraduate research students, academics as well as research support staff.
We are developing the FAQs to the questions asked in the sessions and will make these available in the coming week.
Postgraduate Induction #2
Everything you need to know as a new postgraduate research students
Our virtual postgraduate induction is an opportunity for new postgraduate research students to hear about how we can support you with training and development opportunities.
This induction features welcome talks and presentations by senior staff from the Graduate School introducing a range of support services, training programmes, public engagements and activities for postgraduate research students. It also features an introductory talk about Postgraduate Students’ Network (PGSN) by the Students’ Association (SA) Postgraduate Officer.
The induction will take place on Friday 12 June 2020 at 3pm – 4pm. Use this token to join the session in Microsoft Teams: booxq0d
3MT® competition
Confirm your participation
This is a reminder to all participants taking part to confirm your participation by submitting your final static PowerPoint slide to graduateschool@nottingham.edu.my by 12noon on Friday 12 June 2020.
Attend one or more feedback sessions
These sessions are exclusively designed to support participants by providing insightful advice and guidance on how to better structure as well as communicate your research work to a general and wider audience.
Session #1: Friday 12 June 2020, 10am – 12noon
Session #2: Monday 15 June 2020, 10am – 12noon
Session #3: Wednesday 17 June 2020, 2pm – 4pm
Session #4: Friday 19 June 2020, 10am – 12noon
Session #5: Monday 22 June 2020, 10am – 12noon
Session #6: Tuesday 23 June 2020, 10am – 12noon
The sessions will take place via Microsoft Teams. Use this token to join the sessions: wnvw4vf
Researcher training courses
Weekly update of upcoming courses
Shut Up and Write
Session 06/03: Wednesday 10 June 2020, 10am – 12.30pm
This session will assist in structuring periods of writing and limiting the distraction at home while providing the necessary guidance and motivation to write efficiently and effectively.
Use this code to join the session in MS Teams: bkjn59
Philosophy of Science
Thursday 11 June 2020, 10am – 12noon
This course will explore the critical and independent thought on sciences; its foundations, methods and implications.
Sign up
Our communication
C0VID-19: Graduate School updates
As we are gradually returning to what we know now as the ‘old normal’ and at the same time, adapting to the ‘new normal’, we wish to reassure you that we remain committed to supporting your postgraduate journey and research ambition at the University.
We will continue providing succinct updates on what we are doing to support our postgraduate community in these uncertain and unprecedented times. However, the frequency of our updates will be revised to weekly basis, starting next week. We aim to send our weekly updates on every Monday, or the following day if it is public holiday.
We invite you to get in touch with us if you have any unaddressed concerns or if there are gaps in our advocacy or communication.
Contact us at graduateschool@nottingham.edu.my.
On other blog
PhD candidate publishes commentary on the handling of CoVID-19 in Malaysia
Tricia Yeoh, a Fellow at the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS) Malaysia and a PhD candidate at the School of Politics, History & International Relations, recently published a commentary titled Federalism and the C0VID-19 Crisis: State-Federal Tensions Arise in Malaysia.
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