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My Three Years Here…

They say that time flies when you’re having fun, and in a blink of an eye, I have handed in my final year project and have taken my final exams. These 3 years have been nothing short of fun, amazing, crazy and of course stressful moments too. Some of the things that I will always …

The most essential skill for a lecturer? Juggling

This is the time of year when, as a lecturer, your non-academic friends say things like “it must be nice to have 4 months off,” or “I guess you don’t have much to do until September now.” This perception is understandable, but also couldn’t be further from the truth. Understandable because it stems from the …

Only an Illusory Comfort?

Other animals do not have it as easy as we do. To communicate a message (whether or not animals truly communicate is debatable, but that deviates from the objective of this post), they can only use their bodies and vocal cords, and they are completely reliant on other members of their species being able to …

Do Not Mess With Psychology Students…

I can say hand on heart, the best part of my job is interacting with students.  I was marking an exam answer recently and had to share it with a colleague simply because the answer was brilliant.  And this is coming from someone who is a harsh marker.  I always have to remind myself that …