November 23, 2018, by Noor Syuhada
Discovering Careers in Environmental Science
Careers Advisory Service (CAS) initiated “Discovering Careers in Environmental Science”, which aims to develop better understanding on the requirement and expectations of employers in the relevant industries. In addition, it serves as a medium for students to explore and gather information for internship and future career, and for them to be well-prepared for the transition from university to workplace.
On 14 November 2018, the event has been carried out from 2p.m. to 5.30p.m. located at F1A11, which saw the participation of more than 50 Environmental Science students from year 1 to year 3. The invited guest speakers were Mr. Ernest Ravaratnam, the Group CEO of Cenergi SEA Sdn Bhd; Ms. Kayleigh Hughes, the Senior Consultant of Impact Assessment and Planning, Environment Resource Management (ERM); and Ms. Jasmin Irisha Jim Ilham, Research Associate of Jeffrey Sachs Center for Sustainable Development, who is UNMC alumnus. CAS also welcomed the return of 2 Environmental Science alumni; Farah Addina and Syaqil Suhaimi, who are currently working at Cenergi.
This event comprises of two main sessions; company presentation and panel discussion, where the guest speakers and alumni shared their insights and experience about their career journey, job market, employers’ expectations and related careers advice.
Mr. Ernest shared some advice, “Accept the failure and be ready to share. Don’t be ashamed of your failure because everyone will experience it. Most important, don’t let failure overwhelmed you.”
He also added, “Adaptability, agility, and positivity are important personal traits to be in the Environmental field. Aim high, push yourself; you might reach there!”
Ms. Kayleigh Hughes also highlighted, “Your degree doesn’t necessarily dictate what you are going to be. Most companies are looking for passionate and energetic people who like what they are doing. If you are looking to earn a huge amount of money, you might want to go into other sectors. However, once you choose to study Environmental Science, your main concern should be the environment.”
“It’s not about what you do, but it is the purpose of why you are doing. People involved in non-government organisations (NGO) is because they want to feel the sense of purpose.” Ms. Jasmin stated her view.
We hope that the students benefited from eye-opening session and we wish you all the best in exploring your career path in future! Last but not least, we would like to thank those who involved to make this event successful; support from School of Environmental & Geographical Sci, Prof. Christopher Gibbins, Dr. Wong Ee Phin, Dr. Siva, Dr. Matthew, the committees and the student helpers who helped out throughout the event.
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